It’s been said that a single picture is worth a whole lot of words. Happy Birthday Beauty And The Beach What an incredible year !
Earlier this fall I completed a commercial industrial photography project for Brannan Sand and Gravel Company north of Denver. Here are a few of the results. It’s odd for me to think of myself as a photographer for industry and commerce. My first love in photography was nature and landscape photography. And my early years...
Industrial Photographer for Colorado and The Western States So what does an industrial photographer in Denver Colorado have to do with stars? A mind can wander to strange connections, especially in pandemic isolation. Throughout human history, each person from every spot on earth has looked into a night sky to ponder the exact same moon...
Executive Photography Photoshoot for Executive Coach Kari Granger Executive photography for executive coach Kari Granger was a highlight of the year. The photoshoot was scheduled at the Granger Network headquarters near Evergreen on a perfect September afternoon. My introduction to the Granger Network and to Kari came by way of her world-class scheduling agent, Joshua Hander located...
Medical Photojournalism: A Story of EB Skin Disease And The Gates Center For Regenerative Medicine . Medical photojournalism, like this assignment, gives me glimpses into a harsher reality of life and of parenting. When I walked into the home of Eileen and Chris Attar, the love and dedication for their sons was abundantly evident. Equally as evident is the degree of...
“Two Handshakes From The Master Heroes Collection (1982-2018)” “Whispers From The Past” is an archiving project intended to honor and preserve the photographic work of Edward Angelo DeCroce (my father and founder of DeCroce Photography in Denver Colorado). Curators have traveled world wide in an effort to connect his influence while preserving the publications which...
Tonya deCroce is currently traveling the globe in an effort to bring back to life the works and the stories of her grandfather – Denver portrait photographer Edward Angelo deCroce. She met with the curators of the Photography International Hall of Fame in St. Louis Mo. last week. She meets with Hassleblad in Gothenburg Sweden today...
Marketing Photographers Tools And Usage In Denver Owners of small businesses have their arms full with a multiplicity of hourly chores and projects. And marketing-photographers marketing themselves (after aiding other businesses in marketing) often fall short. There’s a finite amount of time in one hour – usually about 60 minutes. And marketing-photographers (and other small business people) are left with the 59th and 60th minutes...
A hard working roughneck offers much to photograph. And capturing their essence in single frame images was part of my assignment in recent industrial photography and energy photography photo-shoots. I hope the photographs here represent the character and dignity I encountered. . Roughneck At Work . . . . The hottest song on the charts that summer was was“Satisfaction”. The...
Middle School Students Tour Gates BioManufacturing Facility Editorial photography and photojournalism have always been a passion of mine. And doing editorial photojournalism of Bell Middle School students as they toured the Gates Center for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Biology was a treat. . I love editorial photography. It’s been my pleasure to photograph various projects at The...
Denver People Photographers Capture Sports Writer’s Stance at Ballpark As Denver people photographers, we portray a full spectrum of the city’s recognizable faces. I’ve been photographing the famous, and the ordinary folks of Denver for several decades now. And before that, my renowned father, Edward A. DeCroce, filled his days creating exquisite images of...
Wow. Beautiful, really beautiful.
You are the most amazing man and I love you.
Oh babe!! My love.
Oh babe! What a beautiful tribute to an incredible year with an incredible photographer that just happens to be the love of my life. ~Sophia ♥️
Love these photos. Man!!! She is HOT