“Two Handshakes From The Master Heroes Collection (1982-2018)”
“Whispers From The Past” is an archiving project intended to honor and preserve the photographic work of Edward Angelo DeCroce (my father and founder of DeCroce Photography in Denver Colorado). Curators have traveled world wide in an effort to connect his influence while preserving the publications which featured him.
Edward Angelo DeCroce Museum Gallery Collections (1919 – 1983):
March 2018: Curator Newsletter and the www.decrocephotography.com/tribute: Launched on his 99th birthday, 6 March 2018.
November 2018: Open sourced digital museum and social-communication photographic educational resources and gift shop: www.decrocemuseumcollections.com launches in November 2018.
March 2019: Permanent and traveling exhibit launches in four world cities (details pending).
Permanent Collection: Edward Angelo DeCroce Museum Gallery Collections includes his complete photographic body of photographic works, his written publications and essays, oral lectures, letters and correspondences, and favorite recipes and music lists. Edward A. believed in the power of brining humanity together for shared experiences. Over the many years that he and his wife, Signe G., hosted weekly Sunday night dinners for visiting artists and his family, he acquired an appreciation for bringing people from all backgrounds into his home to share a meal and conversation about art and life.
Life and Death Is Teamwork: “World War II: (1940 – 1945)”
Family and Portraiture Success: “Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA (1945 – 1956)”
The Migration: “Cracking Up,” and “Colorado Light”: 1956 – 1960
The Vintage Collection: “Portraiture: Hope for Humanity (1960 – 1970)”
The Magnificent Gardens: “Master of Indoor and Outdoor Gardens (1970 – 1975)”
International Freedom: “Master of Emotion,” and “Fellowship and Freedom (1975 – 1980)”
Moon and Space Tributes: Includes selections from both the “I Didn’t Get to Say Goodbye (1980 – 1983),” and WHISPHERS FROM THE PAST: “Two Handshakes From The Master Heroes Collection (1982-2018).”
The Edward Angelo (A.) DeCroce Museum Collections
Press Release, June 2018 Collection & Project Summary
@ 2018 deCroce Photography
curator, archivist:
Tonya at tonyadecroce@me.com and +1-503-998-6157
Curators are asking for your help. Anyone with relevant stories relating to Edward A. DeCroce the man and or his work, please contact Tonya at tonyadecroce@me.com +1-503-998-6157