deCroce blog of photography

Denver Photographer Shoots March Snow

It’s not every day I get to go out shooting at dawn with my favorite Denver Photographer. Levi, Sophia and I had a blast creating these images around Denver.

(Wait, if you’re reading this article on a phone and have access to a desktop computer, you’ll enjoy the photography better if you switch. Thanks!)

Some of these images we call Denver commercial photography because they really do advertise our town as a great city. Others are fine art photographs, especially the ones by Sophia and Levi. But they all can be called Denver editorial photography because we’re out to tell the story. Publishing works by my son and sweetheart has been fun for me. So look for watermarks to see the works of Levi and Sophia.

Denver Colorado advertising photography depict beauty of the city and mountains as skier glides in City park.
Snow covered mountains in brilliant golden-orange hues and gliding skier through shades of blue envelope Denver city towers illuminated by the rising sun.

Denver commercial advertising photography features the city in it’s best light. Colorado natives who grew up in Denver commented about this image posted on facebook with fondness and nostalgia.


Getting up before dawn always bodes well for photography. And heading out to a city with nearly two feet of freshly fallen snow made for a lovely mini adventure. The city had plowed main arteries but simultaneously created plow ridges from side streets main roads. Before there was light in the sky, we got stuck in one of those massive piles of condensed snow and ice. But with a little perserverence and a 4x Subie, we arrived at our first destination in time for the morning sun glow to light downtown. And what made the scene so spectacular was the deep blue shadows in fields of white snow.
Shooting with other photographers is always eye opening. And capturing jaw dropping imagery with Sophia and Levi made for a very special morning. No matter what the subject, artists of all sorts will find unique ways to tell the same story. Maybe because each of us uses a different perspective and a unique set of past experiences to see and to create. As the sun rose higher in the sky, we found ourselves in downtown Denver. Our options for walking were curtailed by the deep snows and giant drifts. But each of us found shots unique from the others. Yet we all captured images of Denver city landmarks, piles of snow and blue sky

The Business of Photography
Like other businesses, a Denver photographer in business has taken a hit during the pandemic. Commisions and even new inquiries are scarce while budgets remain tight. So a personal project, like this is valuable for many reasons. Mostly, it was fun!
Search engines rank businesses based on diverse criteria. They don’t know which Denver photographers are the good or the mediocre. So they use complicated algorithms to make assesments. Unfortunately, Google and the others don’t seem to notice longevity in business. But one of the big factores is getting plenty of five star reviews. And that’s something I’ve been shy to request from my clients and others who know my work.
Denver street photography during March snow depicts 1.) a skier in residential neighborhood, 2.) a person waiting at bus stop, 3.) a samaritan in pickup truck stopping to aid with wheelchair and 4.) A boy and father walking dogs.


Denver Photographer captures perfect scene of Denver office towers snow covered Rocky mountains and nordic skier in park after giant March snowfall.

Panorama photography by Sophia Floyd features downwtown Denver in dawn light against snow covered Rocky Mountains.


My cohorts of creative image making, Sophia Floyd and Levi DeCroce. Although Levi started the day’s photoshoot using his phone, he later used the Nikon 750 with a 35mm lens.


Snow skiing in Denver
Denver Colorado snow scene capitol building and park walker in snow.
Denver photographer captures City Park scene depicting Colorado capitol golden dome in glowing dawn light with dog walker in foreground surrounded by snow covered mountains.


 Denver photographer black and white by Sophia Floyd.
Black and white fine-art photography after March snow by Sophia Floyd.


Levi gets low in the snow to capture Denver street photography.


Denver photographer captures fine art imagery of lower downtown Denver.
Row of Cherry trees near Denver East High under heavy snow. Photograph by Sophia Floyd.


Write a Review for Denver Photographers

Denver landmarks in snow photography
Denver photographers depict Colorado state capitol after March snow.

We wrapped up the moring photoshoot and headed back to our homes to find the elves had forgotten to shovel our walks and driveways. And when that was done, Sophia created a lovely meal before we found our beds and napped.



See more work from Edward DeCroce please visit: DeCroce Photography

To see more work from Sophia Floyd please click her link here: FLOYD FINE PHOTOGRAPHY

To see more work from Levi DeCroce, ask him to start posting.

Want to write a 5 star review for Edward? Please visit this link: Google Reviews

If anyone can identify those birds, please do so in “comments’ on this blog.

While most toiled to clear the snow, others played in it.



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Denver Commercial Photography

deCroce blog of photography
Commercial Photography Denver