Doloros Atencio Attorney Portraits

2014 Ohtli Award recipient Doloros Atencio.
Dolores has received numerous awards and recognitions for her work, including being named by Hispanic Business Magazine as one of the “100 Influentials” in 1991 and 1993; “Outstanding Attorney” by the Colorado Hispanic Bar Association (CHBA) in 1992 and 2001; was a Reginald Heber Smith fellow; a fellow of the National Kellogg Fellowship Program; and former President of the Colorado Hispanic Bar Association (CHBA). Dolores served on the CHBA Judiciary Committee and was a member of the HNBA’s 2009 Supreme Court Committee that conducted the due diligence on Justice Sonia Sotomayor. During her tenure, Denver’s first African American female, first Asian American and first openly-gay female were appointed to the Denver County Court bench.
By way of background, “Ohtli” is a Náhuatl word meaning “pathway,” and the Ohtli medallion, which has an image of footprints, symbolizes the right pathway that women and men will take to their destiny. Every year, the Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior (IME) within the Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE) recognizes the altruistic activities of many Mexicans living in the United States, and offers the Ohtli Award to those who have devoted themselves to improving the quality of lives for our fellow countrymen and women. SRE presents the Ohtli Award to acknowledge and strengthen the relationship among the Mexican communities living in and outside of Mexico, and to recognize their efforts.Un-retouched professional portrait head-shot (right) and casual walking portrait of Doloros Atensio