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Very well written blog post. I would expect nothing less from Edward DeCroce.
First of all, I have known the author of this post for many years. I actually thought I knew him rather well until this blog post highlighted how much he LOVES the Broncos. I always knew he liked them but not at this level. In fact, I went to a Denver/Seattle game with him in 1989 in Mile High Stadium (the game that Steve Largent broke Don Hutson’s 44 year old record with his 100th career TD catch). So, kudos for you, Edward!
It’s hard to argue many of the points in the post. You did your research and due diligence in coming up with pertinent facts to support your prediction. Let’s be honest, this is about as close to a toss up game as it comes. Sure, one team could catch fire and ride a wave of great bounces for a lopsided Super Bowl 48 win but I don’t see that happening. If there WAS a team that would be intimidated by the size of this game it would be Seattle because there isn’t one player on the team that’s played in a Super Bowl, which is really quite remarkable. I would say that might be a concern for me, however, this team seems to be mature for their age.
With the teams being SO close in terms of talent it would make sense for any OBJECTIVE fan to go with their own team, just as you did. But 45-26? Really? I don’t see that happening. I think it’s a higher scoring game than people have been predicting and I see Seattle winning, 30-28, as they kick a field goal in the closing minutes (not necessarily last second).
As much as I will enjoy a close game, I would be ok with a lopsided Seattle victory. Not because it’s against Denver but because it is less likely to snap a defeat at the jaws of victory if it’s a lopsided game.
Edward, thank you for writing this post. Because I admire you and your family so much I can’t get into trash talking too much about this game. Plus the older I get the more I understand this is just a game. The fact your players do the charity work like they do is wonderful. The Seahawks have guys that do the same thing. Those sort of things aren’t reported as much as a player opening his big mouth for 8 seconds right after making the play of the year, thus causing the spotlight to be aimed right at him for much of the two weeks leading up to this game. It’s funny, Sherman gets in trouble for TALKING and Lynch gets in trouble for NOT talking. Fickle media!
To a great game on Sunday! May the best team win! I hope it’s the Seahawks but if has to be ANY other team in the league, I’d like it to be Denver. But you won’t find me admitting that anywhere…except maybe this comment section of THIS blog post.
Phil Anderson
Seahawks Fan
Excellent reply cousin Phil. And thank you for your edit of my writing. So if Brian Bosworth is the correct name of the Seattle player, who in the hell is Brian Boswell? Is that the guy on Happy Days?
You’re probably right about the score being closer than I projected. But you forgot to mention your MVP should the hungry Hawks humiliate my team.