Build a Model Portfolio
there was almost no retouching needed.
I love my job and helping Haley to build a model portfolio was another one of my awesome photoshoots last summer.
We worked together just once. And the results were terrific. A professional nurse, Haley is also a make-up artist (MUA).
Of course, the photographer’s job is made so much easier with a gorgeous face like Haley’s.

To build a model portfolio includes photojournalism.
Driving to the session in Evergreen Colorado, an old idea reoccurred. I went into the photoshoot, aiming to create story telling images. Model portfolio pictures with onlookers was the theme. If a passerby was willing, my intent was to include them as an onlooker. And if a person happened to be walking by, I anticipated their stride and body language to fit the theme.
Shots like this rarely happen by accident. The photographer has to be keenly aware of composition and patient enough to seize the exact moment.Adding additional figures to an picture designed to build a model portfolio should be interesting and yet remain secondary. A picture of a tourists butt directly behind the model is not only uninteresting, it’s distracting.
Now I have to say, the shots with Haley were even better than expected. We ended the photoshoot just as the light was peaking.

This shot is partly contrived. As Haley and I walked the alley looking for cool spots, this man made some comments. After I persuaded him to be part of our picture, we did several takes as Haley walked by.

Beautiful woman waits for bus on European street.

The photoshoot was ended just as the light was peaking. To build a model portfolio takes patience.
For amateurs who want to build a model portfolio, seek out a pro photographer. Finding a pro photographer who needs to make art, will give a foundation of images. Soon, other photographers will be attracted.
See also
Model Photography Colorado Muse on this blog.